Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wacko of the Week -- 07/14/07

U.S. Senator David Vitter,

Before we go any further with this thing, I want you to know this from the bottom of my heart:
I don't care who David Vitter has sex with. I don't care what practices he follows. I don't care if he's loyal to one person, or he ain't. This is NOT just something I'm saying, it's what I mean.

It's not my point to tell David what he ought to do with his genitals any more than I want to tell him what to do about his weight problem.

By the same token, I think he should stop lecturing to the rest of us to not do what he does.

In case you have missed this, United States Senator David Vitter is another of those young Southern Republican gentlemen, such as we have reported on in the past, who are given to telling the rest of us how we ought to live. These young men seem to be perfectly comfortable telling the world for what purpose sex organs were invented and how they should be used, except when it comes to their own. David's a "Christian." He's a "Conservative." He believes in "Family values." He has campaigned for the "Sanctity of Marriage Act."

And, he's also a whore-monger. He visits houses of prostitution. Not just in one city, according to the madames, but in several.

Go here to see his campaign ads: CLICK HERE

All of his campaign propaganda seems to be coming apart at the seams:

In fact, here's a quotation from his campaign website:

Vitter Statement on Protecting the Sanctity of Marriage

“This is a real outrage. The Hollywood left is redefining the most basic institution in human history, and our two U.S. Senators won’t do anything about it.

We need a U.S. Senator who will stand up for Louisiana values, not Massachusetts’s values. I am the only Senate Candidate to coauthor the Federal Marriage Amendment; the only one fighting for its passage. I am the only candidate proposing changes to the senate rules to stop liberal obstructionists from preventing an up or down vote on issues like this, judges, energy, and on and on.” stated David Vitter.


COMMENT: I don't think he should resign from the Senate. I think the Democrats should STOP trying to preach to him, also. I mean, really folks, what would Jesus say?

When you hear a mere human being running around telling everyone else how to to be moral, you can bet your bottom dollar, or your top one for that matter, that there's something kinky going on with him.

1 comment:

scot s w said...

What's really a wonder is that there is such a steady stream of such jokers. I've read that he went to the AP with his "mea culpa" story because Larry Flynt of Hustler fame had the story and was preparing to run it as a scoop.