Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Free Bush!

There is a story appearing here and there online [CLICK HERE FOR ONE EXAMPLE ] that some of Bush's advisers consider his ridiculously low popularity among the people to be "liberating."

Presumably with numbers this low, there is no point in trying to please people, so he can just go ahead and do whatever he wants. I can't help thinking this is just nuts. Talk about "Newspeak."* An alternative idea might be that he ought to work harder to manifest the popular will --- for example, getting those troops out of Iraq as fast as possible. Instead of liberating himself from democratic responsibilities, maybe he could liberate himself from his disasterous policies.

For true liberation, the guy ought to resign. Go home.

The Republicans used to argue that we do not live in a democracy, we live in a republic. This distinction was forged in order to make the point that our elected leaders represent us and govern for us. Well, this is sort of the ultimate test of that isn't it?

George Orwell, where are you when we need you?


* n. -Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public. [From Newspeak, a language invented by George Orwell in the novel 1984.] CLICK

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