Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wacko of the Week -- 01/12/08

Preamble: There is certainly no shortage of candidates for Wacko this week.

1. GALLOPING POLL: (.e. runaway):
In the first place, as everyone knows, the pollsters clearly were crazy when they predicted Obama to win New Hampshire by a wide margin. As soon as you look at the polls saying he would win by 12%-13%-19%, there was something stinky in the wind. I believe it was the smell of bullshit. In the second place, they fell all over themselves trying to explain why they were wrong, and hey! let's accept their word for it. There were tons of good reasons. But - ahem! - don't they make their money by being right?

And, what about
2. Wesley Snipes

getting into a multimillion
dollar unpaid tax jam with
the United States government?
Trial began this week.


Of course, there's the latest chapter of the
3. O.J. Simpson
idiocy wherein the dumb football player defies the terms of his probation and gets himself thrown back into jail. It's a drama worthy of a man who seems to have gone completely head-over-teacups crazy.

Need we even mention 4. Britney? Anyone who would hold her own baby hostage is "whacked out" to use a vernacular expression.

Winner: THIS MAN:Bryan James Hathaway,

You can read as much as you probably want to know about him here:


The young feller has had the misfortune of allowing his affections to wander quite far afield, pun definitely intended.

they wandered to here, for example: And if you would like, you can help rescue him from the narrow mindedness of the law, and the bigotry of contemporary decency standards, by joining this effort:

Sign the petition here: CLICK

FOOTNOTE: Oh, by the way, if you do sign the petition, you may become a candidate for next Wacko of the Week.

Here's our first runner up this week:
The Administration of the Rib Mountain Elementary School in Wassau, WI, which transferred a teacher who patted a student on the head, after the parent claimed the child was "hit." It's an appalling example of where correctness is carrying us these days.

Read about it here: click

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