Thursday, January 24, 2008

FEEDBACK -- Thank You

Many thanks to the folks who added their thoughts about this election. I really appreciate the participation. I think it's very interesting what you all had to say.

DASHMANN - Did some research – I like what 'pretty boy' says—Would support an Obama – Edwards ticket. What are the chances?????

PAT - Did you notice that every time a news person refers to Hillary Clinton they just call her Hillary. When it's Barack Obama, they just say Obama. But with John Edwards, it's always the whole name. What does this suggest?

FELIX - The more of the 'process' I see, the less I like it. Now, tell me this....Why were the Nevada caucus results out ("Romney wins Nevada") at about 1 o'clock Nevada time?

MARSHA - I saw the Ron Paul blimp floating over town.

PAT - I just wonder who put up all those Mitt Romney signs all over Michigan.

SANDY - I cannot wait for Bush to be out of office, and I'll be happy as long as we have a Democrat for President (well, and a majority in both the Senate and the House would be nice)

SPARTY - I always swore I would never vote for another person with a Southern accent.

ANONYMOUS - seems like the only real human being is McCain. Everyone else is a political creature.

DEB - I just wonder if Hillary gets in, how much we'll have to put up with Bill.

GIGI - Turn off the TV and wake me up on election day.

DASHMANN- Did you see this ?? (Clinton sound asleep during a speech) A man after my own heart-

BILL - I find the political circus fascinating and mesmerizing . This is truly wonderful theatre. Unfortunately they do not focus, nor can they, on anything of real importance.

SPARTY - It seems that all those liberals in my group are for Kucinich. I say "But he can't win" and they say, "That's because people like you are always saying he can't win."

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