Thursday, January 17, 2008

the Huckabee Mandates

As you know, Mike Huckabee, a candidate for President, has recently said that the Constitution should be amended to bring it into agreement with the Word of God!

Here are some of Huckabee's proposed Amendments to the Constitution,
to bring it into line with 'The Word Of The Living God':

1. All Mexican men crossing the borders must be circum-
cised when captured
and before being
sent back to Mexico.

2. The eating of shellfish is prohibited. Congress shall make provision for the punishment of shrimp eating.

3. Slavery is reinstated. All races, colors and creeds shall be eligible, so long as they have been seized in battle or purchased from a Christian merchant.

4. Persons who pick up sticks on Sunday will be stoned to death. Congress shall provide appropriate legislation for determining who is sinless to throw the first stone.

5. Menstruating women shall not be allowed to prepare food.

6. Under penalty of death, teenage boys shall be prohibited from casting their seeds upon the ground.

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