Saturday, June 2, 2007

Wacko of the Week -- 06/02/07

In April, Boris Yeltsin died -- he who did so much for the improvement of relations between the US and Russia; he who ended despotism in Russia, at least for awhile. Yeltsin and Clinton did so much to smooth over the rough spots at the end of the Cold War which Reagan did so much to "win."

Now Yeltsin's successor Putin and America's own Condi Rice have become involved in an argument over missiles and defense systems that may well result in a new arms race and a new Cold War. Rice says we'll put America defense systems in countries along the Russian Western border. Putin says he will overwhelm the system with new missiles. Gee, that sounds a lot like war!

You two easily qualify for Wackos of the Week. It's an honor to give it to you, Your Excellencies.

(Read about it HERE for one of many sources available.

[Footnote of Importance] I know that many of our readers may have preferred Andrew Speaker, who having been told he had tuberculosis, decided to fly all over the world. Thanks, Andrew! You are more than a Wacko, you're threat to the world.

They tell me you're a lawyer, Andrew. If it were up to me, you would get a chance to see the other side of the bars.

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