Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What's God saying?

Here's another puzzle for Pat Robertson, who sees the hand of God in nearly every weather event. 

Last night, Mike Huckabee won Republican primaries in Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee.  God immediately slammed those states with tornados.  

Hmm.  "The Judgment of the Lord is true and righteous altogether."


Anonymous said...

Ain't it a crazy-assed world we live in. People killing people just for the sake of killing them. And, the worst part is how many times the inculpable are involved and affected (stabbing your wife in a classroom of 5th graders, for instance. Killing 6 people in a clothing store storage room, for instance. Shooting six people in a city council meeting, for instance.)

Anonymous said...

"...the worst part is how many times the inculpable are involved and affected...". Ya know, that's true of all our actions. What we say and do affects those around us in one way or another. It behooves us all to consider carefully our thoughts and actions so as to make a positive impact on "...this crazy-assed world we live in...". All we experience changes us. Hopefully, many will be there to help the inculpable stand upright again and make positive lives for themselves. Perhaps, we need to ponder more carefully how we want our lives to affect this world and most particularly the children in our care. I know I do. Alice