Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's just starting

There's a big controversy this morning about whether or not it was the Hillary Clinton campaign that released a picture of Barack Obama dressed up in a some sort of muslim-looking outfit when he was visiting somewhere or other. Was this an effort to make him look foolish? Make him look Muslim? What?

Well, Dudes, this is small potatoes. If you want real graphic intolerance, check out this conservative exhibit. Here is your morning racism in all it's unalloyed brilliance. You might as well know it's still out there, because as the election year proceeds, you will see it more and more. Some of our bigots will forever be unreconstructed.

Hillary will say she had nothing to do with the Muslim picture. The Republicans will say they had nothing to do with the other garbage. Take it all in the spirit of fairy tales.

Click to make the pic bigger.
Thanks to Bill for the picture.

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