Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wacko of the Week -- 02/23/08

As my mother used to often say: 
"They're all crazy, save me and thee,  and I oft wonder about thee." 

This is a Wacko Award to all of the parties, jointly and severally, each and all.

This woman.  Not, a teacher, but an "educational associate" with a taste, pun intended, for a young guy. Her instructions as a teacher's aide did not include this sort of -umm - instruction.


This School District: 
Iowa City Schools, Johnson County, Iowa. They fired the lady though the deed wasn't done on school grounds, and the kid was not a student.


And an unnamed 17 year old boy, who was not a student. We can't admire his eyesight, but then, he IS a teenage boy and brains aren't the loudest speaking organs in a 17 year old's body.

In our judgement, they all are deserving to be Wacko of the Week.

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