Thursday, September 20, 2007

the whelp yelps

The Bastard who styled himself "President" has decided to attack the organization which insulted his general.

When (foolishly, in my opinion ) chose to imply that General Petraeus might be "General Betray Us" they attacked the man that Bush sent forward to take the flak for him. The real culprit behind the mess in Iraq is not the General, but the "Decider" who put him there, and yes, we the people, who let this all happen.

But, while the verbal missiles were falling around the General in Congress, Mr. Bush was away at his ranch or hiding in his closet or something. Where the hell was he when his man was under fire? Maybe, like on 9/11, he was hiding at an air base somewhere.

Now this Bushman sallies forth when the shooting has died down and fires a vagrant shot into free speech by implying that the organization is disloyal for stating its opinion. What a scoundrel!

Frankly, I will die some day still in contempt of this person. If American democracy survivers him at all, it will be a tribute to people like General Petraeus and also, who both have the courage to practice a level of fundamentally fair discourse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This outrage is coming from the same guy whose supporters "swift boated" John Kerry, attacked the patriotism of Max Cleland, etc. Where was their outrage then??