Sunday, September 30, 2007

What men do

I asked many friends to comment on a Popular Mechanics list of 25 Things Every Man Should Know How to Do.

Here are the answers I got. Some of you were more serious than others. Wait! Maybe they really all are serious.

ALICE - The only thing you need 'em for is to zip up the back of your dress.
I guess I'd say share a vacation and a good book. Just as women do, they need to make the time to do the things they know how to do.

ANONYMOUS 1- Lie. Especially to women. And the police.

ANONYMOUS 2- I can't do most of those things, but I can do some things not on that list but you wouldn't like to hear about that.

BILL FROM WNNCO - The obvious thing that every man must be able to do is to say "Yes Dear" with apparent sincerity and meaningful tonal inflection.

BINA - After all, I am only a woman!!! But never did assume that most men know everything! #4---Really??? #10---whatever THAT is! #19----- again, Really?--all men know this? #22-- not familiar with this, so don't know

FELIX - The only thing I can say is that I can do 13 of those things...2 of them VERY well...

IRENE - definitely approve of numbers: 4,6,13, 18, 20 and 24. I have selected these for special mention as they are things that need doing around here from time to time, but I don't really know how to do them. In addition, I have no interest in learning how to do them.

I would take out #19(clean a rifle). Substitute "Put dirty clothes into the basket, and not on the floor next to the basket" and #21(hook up an HDTV) and substitute "Dispense with insects and other creepy crawly creatures.".

IRISH MIKE - Seriously: "Change a tire" should be on that list!
Less seriously: Play and understand a football board. Fill out an NCAA Basketball Tourney Bracket Sheet. (Might be difficult for a U of M man).

PAM - Comfort a child, read a book, love a woman, be a role model for true masculinity.

PAT W - Change a light bulb. And disagree nicely.

SPARTY - Some of them I don't understand - the necessity of knowing how to clean a bolt-action rifle, for example. Does that imply that every man should know how to shoot a bolt-action rifle? What about lever-action rifles? Semi-automatics? Assault rifles? Why shouldn't every man know how to clean a revolver? If it's important for every man to know how to fillet a fish why isn't it important for every man to know how to dress a deer?

The list seems to be based on a traditional view of men - Seems to me every man should also know how to change a diaper, use a broiler, read a recipe, change the bag on a vacuum sweeper, etc., etc.

BUD - I used to know how to do several things, but I have mostly forgotten. I'm incompetent at almost everything now. I can't even change a damn light bulb.


Anonymous said...

What on earth does one dress a dear in? Flannel? Neon orange? Little slippers and lace? Let me know.

Anonymous said...

One doesn't dress a dear in anything. One lets a dear dress his/her self.
A big suggestion: Ask the dear involved! Alice

Bud said...


Spraty said to "dress" a DEER

scot s w said...

I like the list, although I think you can tell it's from Popular Mechanics, and not "Men's Life". I would include changing a tire and jump-starting a car, as well as balancing a checkbook and planning a date.

I entered adulthood with the notion that equality meant dispensing with outdated gender roles. But I also had the notion that a man's job is to be prepared to be helpful in various situations. Each couple, over time, sorts out these things according to interest and ability. Despite my liberated notions, it's clear to me that 99% of women have no interest in auto repair or complicated handyman chores.

Also, ladies, there are numerous things that men KNOW how to do -- like changing lightbulbs or putting dirty laundry in the basket -- even if we don't bother. There's no trick to doing those things, and that's why they're not on the list.

Besides, chicks can handle that stuff.