Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wacko of the Week -- 04/19/08

U.S. Representative GEOFF DAVIS of Kentucky.

When you think of Jeff Davis, you don't think of someone in the 21st Century, do you?

But there's some reason why his parents decided to name him Jeff (which he spells Geoff.) Rep. Davis is a well-known Member of the House Armed Services Committee, and he is the Assistant Republican Whip. Yet, this week he made this astonishing statement about Barack Obama:

"... we don't need that boy's finger on the button" CLICK (or listen to Davis' comment at the link given there.).

So, in a real sense, Geoff has lived up to his namesake. Let's think about that word, boy . Everybody in the world knows the term is offensive when used in some contexts about black men. When the person being discussed was born, as was Obama, in 1961, it surely does not refer to age.

Mr. Davis has profusely apologized for his use of the term, so he also recognizes the weight of his insult.  Maybe being at a fund-raiser for John McCain and thinking he was in the privacy of a group where his comments would be properly understood but not reported on, helped to add to his sense of shamelessness.  The word titillated the contributors who giggled and applauded appropriately.  

Mr. Davis is representative of a certain attitude best owned by southern white gentlemen of by-gone years, or red-necked crackers who hang on even into this century. Maybe we will all live long enough to survive the burdens of slavery and the Civil War, of race prejudice and racial insult. It will be nice when those things have vanished from America. 

With Rep. Davis's help, that day is now closer at hand.


RUNNER -UP - New Bride Alison Smith of Abroath, Scotland who is but 24, and yet is now, 4 times married. Her sense of need for a man has triumphed over her sad experiences which include:
1. A first husband who ran off with and married her mother.

2. A guy who stood in for the second husband who had decided not to show up at the wedding after all. (His brother may have been the father of her baby.)

3. A 50 year-old man who turned out to be already married to someone else.

It is a bizarre tale with a dozen freaky details you may want to hear. click

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an interview with the guy running against Davis.