Wednesday, April 30, 2008

For what it's worth

Barack Obama has done the right thing in disavowing the Rev. Wright. The voters have a right to know whether or not he shares the ideas of this man.

When for example, Richard Nixon trumpeted his association with evangelical Billy Graham and met in prayer with the man, people assumed that Nixon shared theocratic ideas with Graham. When we see politicians snuggling with theocrats like Hagee or Robertson, we are right to ask whether or not they share ideas on separation of church and state.

I am one guy who thinks that politicians willingly associate themselves with religious leaders in order to harvest votes. In as much as political leaders must calculate that whatever their religious advisers believe is going to be ascribed to them, it behooves Obama to tell us if this is so or not so with Wright.

Thanks, Barack. Everyone has been pushing on you to tell. Some folks will assume you're lying when you say Jeremiah's angry beliefs are not yours, but I for one will accept your promise so long as you act that way.

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