Friday, April 25, 2008

For what it's worth

All this 'to-do' about Obama and Reverend Jeremiah Wright is just one more piece of evidence to show why church and state must ABSOLUTELY be separated in a democracy. Whether it's a Catholic Kennedy or a Baptist Carter or a gum-wacky Bush or a black-jesus Obama or a foaming at the mouth Creationist Huckabee, leave your religious slicer-and-dicer outside the White House door. -- and the schoolhouse door -- and the courthouse door.


Anonymous said...

Separating the church and the state was clearly our founders intention. However, lately there is a movement trying to unique it. Thus there are spin tales, such as America was/is a Christian nation, or the huge effort to have a supreme court judge based on the so called "moral issues", instead of his ability to judge based on the Constitution. Furthermore it seems that those people want to elect a high priest for the President, so that he can carry out religious ceremonies and spread their own version of faith. Don't forget the fact that religion was one of the reasons that G.W.Bush was elected. Bush claimed that he prayed and "talked" with God daily. There was even a ridiculous so called document, of title "Bush - Faith in the White House", to hail his "virtues". Well we all know how wise Bush really is and how the "communication" with God effected his policy :)

Bud said...

It would be nice if "some God the giftie gie us," to rule our country by standards of absolute justice and fairness and dignity as so many religious groups profess to want.

Seems to me once you strain the wishes of God through the brain cells of the likes of W. Bush, you can come up with some pretty bizarre consequences. And justice goes right out the window.