Thursday, January 14, 2010

notebook stuff

Here I am sitting at Barnes and Nobel, minding my own business and clacking away on my MacBook, and this gentleman of prodigious girth says to me, "How long have you had that computer?" A few months, say I. "Well, it's gonna be totally obsolete on Jan 27th," he says, "because Apple is coming out with a new notebook, like a scratch pad, that'll blow that thing out of the water."

I'm disconsolate. So, should I go slash my wrists?

To get to Orlando airport by the direct route, I have to stop and pay 6 tolls in and 6 tolls back out. This is $11.00. At one point, there is a construction area with a big sign that says, "Your toll dollars at work." Guess what they're building! New toll booths. This is called toll booth incest: Booths breeding booths.

Some nights here have been so cold that they have canceled the free concerts in the square. BUt, it looks like the cold snap is over. Just in time for the kids to swim while they're here.

I believe that the unhappiest country in the world must be Indonesia. Hardly a week goes by that there is not an earthquake, a ferryboat sinking, a terrorist bombing, a mudslide, a volcano erupting, or some other catastrophe that causes death and misery. After that, it is Haiti. I'm thankful that my country is able to help, because those people are going to need years of it. Even I, cold-hearted and oxen as I am, sympathize with those people.

I miss some of my friends.


Irene said...

I don't know about your assessment of Indonesia. It certainly gets its share of bad press. But it's still a popular tourist destination for Australians. I wouldn't go to Java, but other islands like Lombok and the less touristy places on Bali are very very nice and peaceful....

Alice said...

You ain't seen nothin' yet! Wait until they finish privatizing the whole inter-state system.