Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Capitalism is not shining

I have heard that lots of groups of people have been organizing to raise money for the Haiti relief effort. Among these are many movie stars who have given millions, individually and collectively, including folks like Madonna, and the Brangelinos, and Clooney. I have heard of communities coming together to hold events that would raise money. Millions of Americans have contributed some amount.

What has happened to American capitalism? I haven't heard that any great corporations or wealthy Wall Street individuals have given anything. Here are people rolling in millions in salaries and bonuses, but not being counted among the generous. Did I just miss it? It reminds me of the Katrina effort. Everyone got into the act of trying to help others except American capitalists who were busy trying to find ways to profit from the calamity.

When it was all over, the critics went back to condemning the government, not because it helped, but because it was not efficient enough in its processes. Now we have this immense socialistic rescue mission in the process of saving lives and bringing help to the needy. Mark my words! Before it's over, the capitalists will be condemning the operation while they sit on their fat asses doing little or nothing.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but if they did something without the expectation of profit then they wouldn't be capitalists now, would they?


Bud said...

You have a point there. My thinking is all twisted these days.

By the way: Hello Marty and Pauline!