Sunday, December 9, 2007

WACKO OF THE WEEK (12-08-07)

I know you think I should be giving the Wacko of the Week Award to that guy out in Omaha who abused his rights to guns and shot up a mall full of people. But, remember, he committed suicide afterwards, so that doesn't count. If you commit suicide after doing a dumb thing, you're forgiven. No sense adding insult to injury.

So, the real winner this week is:


They decided to test the computer skills of chimpanzees and college students. The reward was a peanut. If the student or the chimp could swiftly solve an on-screen puzzle, the computer gave a peanut.

The Japanese "scientists" reached just the wrong conclusion. If you want to see a college student perform well on a quiz, give him a reward he really wants. Try BEER or SEX. I can't think of any American student I ever knew who was motivated by a peanut.

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