Wednesday, December 19, 2007

foul deed


To a long list of other crimes, Hillary Clinton has now added a new one: ARSON! 

Not content with having murdered Vince Foster and thrown his body out in a public park, not content with having manipulated the futures markets and made a ton of money, not content with drug-running through the Mena Airport, not content with having destroyed the American health care system 15 years ago, she has now set fire to the Old Executive Office Building (or, as they now call it, The Eisenhower Executive Office Building.) 

Police are reporting that she sneaked away from her campaign tour during the night, stopped at a CITGO  station, owned by her good friend, the dictator of Venezuela, who hates America almost as much as Hillary herself,  bought a gallon of gasoline, and then proceeded to pour it on the side of the OEOB (or, EEOB). 

Arrest is imminent, claims Attorney General whatever the hell his name is: Mukhtada, or something like that.  

1 comment:

rigtenzin said...

This is all true and she murdered that girl in Aruba.