Monday, December 31, 2007

Tues Quiz --- answers and Gold Stars, and a correction

All of the pictures were identified by at least one person. IRENE wrote to say that she had sent the answer for Kevin Rudd, the new Prime Minister of Australia. I had simply forgotten this. Many apologies!

Here were all the answers: Roger Clemens without his baseball clothes, Benazir Bhutto without her headcover, Scooter Libby who got sentenced and then pardoned by that white house guy, Gordon Brown, the new P.M. of Britain, Arthur Schlesinger who wrote about Kennedy in several books and won literary prizes for it, Mike Mukasy our new Attorney Genera who replaced Alberto Gonzo, Marion Jones who admitted to doping and lost her championships, Michelle OBama who turns out to be as cool as Jackie Kennedy was, Kevin Rudd the new Prime Minister of Australia, Kurt Vonnegut who died this year, Owen Wilson who had an emotional crisis, Art Buchwald who wote cutting political satire, Ron Carey from Hogan's Heroes and Barney Miller and other TV shows, Amy Winehouse who got in trouble with Britain's drug cops.


MARGARET - who was the only one who knew Mukasy. She also knew 8 others.

PAT and FELIX - Who worked on this quiz with determination and knew more than half. Felix figured out Ron Carey.

ALICE - who wound up identifying about 10 of the people.

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