Monday, December 3, 2007

friend's report addition: Felix's hike

This is an excerpt from Felix's reporting on his hike last week in Massachusetts:

There was a little sliver of 'sunrise' visible right at the horizon. Otherwise, it was pretty overcast. I'd say upper 30s. Breezy but not uncomfortable. I hiked on. I made it to Chesire with dreams of coffee and breakfast. These dreams were dashed, but fortunately they were dashed early and I didn't have a lot of time in pursuing unfulfilled desires. I went in the post office where the clock said it was 9:15. I was proud to have hiked 4+ miles by 9:15.

I asked the woman where the nearest cup of coffee could be had. She looked at me as though she'd never heard of coffee, much less know where a cup of it could be had. She asked a not-seen-by-me person behind a partition where a cup of this mystery drink could be found.

"The gas station is the closest place" I heard from behind this half-wall.

I'd seen the Shell station as I crossed the highway. I didn't want gas station coffee. I wanted a cup of strong coffee with toast...and, eggs and bacon and some sort of cooked potatoes. I was not tied to this want, however.

"Or, there's the (?) down the (?)" I couldn't make out what she said. She finally stepped out from behind the wall and I could see who my informant was....She told me where this mystery coffee-selling place was and I asked how far.

After much calculating, I was told it was about a half-mile.

With a grimace I said "I don't want a cup a half-miles worth."

"How do you like your coffee?" she asked.

"Black and strong" said I.

"I'll get you some;" and she did.

"I have a cup. Do you want it?"

"No. I'll give you a cup." Of course, that meant a styrofoam cup. I thanked her and took my cup of free coffee across the street to the cheese monument and ate a bagel and drank coffee.

It was nice, in a cold and windy dreary day sorta way.

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