Thursday, November 22, 2007

WEATHER Pollyanna

On this day of profound thanksgiving --- and I do have very many things to be thankful for --- I have a special word for all of those vicious weather chauvinists like Sparty and Sandy and Gigi and many others (a whole bunch of others) of you who assailed me unmercifully when I merely mentioned the evil nature of Michigan weather, the utterly rotten and stinking and Whirlpool-freezer type Michigan ....

Today I am a-smiling. I am so thankful for the gorgeous two inches of wet snow. I am thankful for the ice on the road and driveway. I am thankful for the beautiful gray sky. And how I appreciate the 21 degree wind-chill factor.

Ah, yes! The first snowy blanket of winter. I do love it so!



Anonymous said...

You are not serious are you.
For us in the House of Payne, there's only one more sleep til Christmas! Tomorrow is election day, and it looks like the rotten stale lying cheating divisive evil government will be turfed out after 11 long years. Oh joy!!! PS we live on Payne St - so we've been dubbed the House of Payne. I'll be working at the polling booth tomorrow, then having some people over for what is hopefully a big celebration.

Anonymous said...

I really miss Thanksgiving.

Felix J said...

Have the Birches really sold out? How much did Whirlpool sink into your wooden coffers? What next, McDonalds? When will you have John Mellencamp singing 'Our Country' as a Silverado clip runs in the background? God Bless Weather!!

Bud said...

Irene ---

We'll send you a left-over turkey sandwich. Would you like that with or without cranberry sauce on it?

It's 15 F degrees here this morning. (-9 C). When is the last time you had -9 in Brisbane?


Anonymous said...

With sauce, thank you!
Never, no negative numbers here. The frangipanis are in bloom.