Friday, November 30, 2007

answer me this one

Some of us were sitting at the Red Eye coffee shop enjoying our favorite concoctions of caffeine and nonsense. The topic of blogs arose and a good friend said that he couldn't possibly spend that much time sitting in front of a computer ... etc.

Then the question came up about how much time I must spend online. And Pat said "Too much!"
What is a good way to spend time? I have thought of some of the ways people do it, and among these are ways I couldn't possibly tolerate. I know for example, there are people among our readership who work very long days. Others spend a lot of time reading "gossip" or entertainment magazines. I know there are folks who spend hours with a sudoku game book. Some pass time every day (or very often) on the golf course. I know one guy who flies all over the hemisphere to golf at various places; when the weather is bad here, it is quite nice somewhere else.

I suppose we justify those things we favor and turn our noses up at those things we don't. It's like work. How often have I heard someone say: "I could never do what you do." Once, I was told, "If I had to walk into a classroom every day, I'd have to kill someone."

Do you feel badly about the time you 'waste'? Does anyone out there have a standard for measuring "time well spent" or "time wasted?"


Anonymous said...

A little research shows that there IS no Red Eye Coffee Shop. so, you really have been wasting your time.

Anonymous said...

If there weren't a multitude of answers, everyone would do the same thing.
Felix J.

Bud said...

I really like that answer, Felix.

Anonymous said...

A perfect example of "judge not least ye be judged, for as ye judge so shall ye be judged." Alice

Jim Thill said...

I don't consider sitting at a computer to be a waste of time, but I do know that I often intend to check email or your blog for 5 minutes and get sucked into several hours of web surfing. That part bothers me.