Saturday, November 24, 2007

Wacko of the Week -- 11/24/07

There were so many possibilities for Wacko of the Week this time. Here are a few of the also-rans:

1.PHONY SANTA whose self-centered stunt led to a nightmare for those many children watching, when he got his beard caught while rappelling down the side of a building with a large sign on it. These kinds of stunts deserve to fail. Whatever happened to the true spirit of Christmas? You can see the video of the incident here CLICK

2.PETER MISCHLER of Wisconsin (and his wife) who shot the family's pet goat when his wife refused to bring beer home from the store. They arrested him for that. CLICK

3.LINO DONATO - The Mayor of Poteet, Texas, who can no longer go to the City Council meetings because he is a convicted sex offender. He is liable to wag his weenie at teenaged girls and that, surprisingly, got him into trouble with the law. You see, the city hall, where the council meets, is near a Youth Center and the law won't permit him that close to kids. CLICK

4.ARDONAS GILBERT the Pennsylvania man who got drunk and decided to run naked down the freeway. He caused three separate crashes before he was arrested. By the way, he attacked several people in the process. CLICK

But this week's Wacko is KING ABDULLAH of Saudi Arabia, the Gift from Allah who is ruling by Divine Right over a country that God has chosen to bury our oil under ...

... and, the King's whole damned Saudi 'JUDICIAL' system is wacko, too. .

It lies within the power of this King to revoke the sentence handed to a nameless and faceless 19-year old Saudi girl who was raped last year. She was kidnapped and raped by seven men. The Magnificent Personage is now 'considering' whether or not to release the lady unwhipped. How thoughtful of His Great-a-tudity.

Why is he Wacko?
1. He is the King -- the absolute monarch -- of this travesty.
2. It is his law being applied.
3. He has to take the time to consider whether or not to let this travesty unfold. Most of us could make the proper snap decision.

This woman is living in virtual invisibility as all women do in Saudi Arabia. She is to be punished -- whipped and imprisoned -- for going in a car with a man not her husband to retrieve a photograph she had given to another man before she was married.

Incidentally, the court determined that this poor girl's sentence should be doubled because she spoke to the press about her plight. Spoke, hell, she should have shouted it out to the world.

Read more about it here: CLICK
and here: CLICK

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