Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday morning friends report.

This is another inquiry into the fascinating minds of some of my friends. It tells a bit about what some of them are saying, thinking, and doing. It reveals some of what they're emailing. Thanks to all of youse.

FELIX- He leads the most interesting life. When he's not off wandering in the wilderness, or brushing elbows with the wild 'n' famous of the rock world, or standing next to Stephen King and watching a band perform, he is up to something else. Now, he's been keeping company with monks. Oh, I know, it was an assignment, but he did it! And he says, "they all seem to have cell phones."
Maybe direct lines to their God?

DASHMANN - taking note of the article which predicts that mankind will divide into two separate species:

"Humanity may split into two sub-species in 100,000 years' time as predicted by HG Wells, an expert has said.Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge."

Dashmann says: "Geez---I’m already half way to the lower teir---"

Ha-ha. Well buddy, so am I, and half the people I know. You made me laugh.

SPARTY - has become something of a local celebrity. He was loaned a video camera by a local TV station and asked to report on things in his hometown he would like to see improved. Then he was interviewed on air. He looked great on the small screen -- almost wise! We were all proud of you!

Sparty also sent an article from the Free Press, which says that the Big Ten teams are real losers in the bowl games every January. Here's a quotation:

For those of us who have suffered through it, this rhythm of life is supported by mountains of evidence. The Big Ten has produced a record of 17-29 in the Rose Bowl in my lifetime, including a dreadful 1-9 run through the 1970s. Just last year, when Ohio State and Michigan met as the No. 1 and No. 2 teams in the nation and played a game for the ages, both teams thudded back to reality with crushing defeats in their bowl games.

Big Ten? Big Two? Big bust.

you can see here: CLICK

STEVE - sent this picture and says, "These guys shouldn't sit together."
[Sudden contest: Who can explain this picture to people who might not get it?]


JERRY - sent a package of photos of young gentlemen who had undergone some aesthetic alterations. It was called: "Why Can't I Find a Job?" Here's one example:


ALICE - heard one of the Presidential candidates critize the Clintons for their marriage skills, and she sent this comment:

[I] heard Mitt Romney criticize Hillary for broken
family values. I'd say she has them very much intact.
Every church I've ever been involved with
stresses and encourages offended spouses to do
everything they can to maintain and repair their
marriage. She did that, of course with his help too.
She had to share the hurt and face it publicly and yet
she maintained the marriage and they both have been
diligent in trying to protect, shelter and provide for
their daughter. They both profess their love and
respect for each others' strengths. Flaws, yah.
Problems, yep. Damages,yep. Broken family values, I
don't think so.

Alice also says she is running a taxi service for grandchildren. She may laugh about it, but I know it is the labor of love.

CHRIS - sent this from David Letterman, which I had not seen before. It's too good to pass up, but I promise everyone it's my last entry on this subject:

"A Brooklyn restaurant owner found a python in the toilet. Usually when you find something coiling around your leg in a restroom, it's Senator Larry Craig."

PAT W - Would like to report she had a very successful year with her golf league because she didn't come in last. Guess where she did come in ...

She also says that she was "delighted" to have her daughter-in-law with her this weekend to bring cheerfulness and optimism into the house, especially during the Michigan game, because her husband was so gloomy he was a "downer."

MIKE CARROLL almost from Carrolton - sent a great joke about a blonde who kept praying to God to let her win the lottery. Of course, she never did. Finally, in a blinding flash of light, God appears and says: 'Sweetheart, work with Me on this.... Buy a ticket.'

JOE - who never reads my blog, sent me another package of cartoons from "Maxine" including this one, which maybe reflects, hmm ...


Anonymous said...

I think my favourite Maxine comment is "Shhh - quiet - that's the sound of nobody caring what you think...." Or maybe it's "I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard to spell." On another note, it's the first Tuesday in November, and that means that it's Melbourne Cup Day! The "race that stops a nation" is on today at 3pm - no one in Australia will be where they are supposed to be at that time. It's a public holiday in Melbourne, but we have to work here (sort of). I haven't backed the winner since 2000, but if you want to know who's going to finish fourth, I'm the one to speak to.

Anonymous said...

Doug & I laughed ourselves silly over 92 & 93. Without going into too much detail, my cats leave them all over the house! Doug's wondering what team that is.

Liked the blonde joke too.

scot s w said...

SCOT -- Calls often, visited recently, and wonders why he was left out of the Monday Morning Report.

Bud said...

I'm sorry.

Let me mention that Scot is doing very well these days. The electricity went out in his house and he had to escape to a feriend's house for a night.

He's also apt to engage in sarcasm occasionally.