Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Will the Republican Party Now Get the Depression it Has Worked So Hard For?

The "Reagan Revolution" is ripening now. This may be the week of the next great stock market crash.

The fat cats, who Reagan and the Bushes wanted to free from regulation, are now about totally in control of the economy, the Republican Party, and the fate of America (which is not good thing).

They have basically stolen the Treasury of the United States in the form of tax cuts to themselves at the expense of the rest of us.

They have almost bankrupted the United States by giving it an incredible debt.

They have been collecting billions from the government in "bailouts." (All borrowed against the credit of the American people.) When business could not borrow, they got the government to do it for them.

They have made Americans hopelessly dependent on a technology (oil) which is a thing of the past, not of the future.

They have paid themselves obscene salaries, severance benefits, and pensions as their companies go under.

They are now on the brink of re-electing themselves to office, all with the cheerful enthusiasm of a huge share of the American people who cannot see past their own noses (or wombs). While the ship goes down, the people scream: "Drill, drill, drill!" and "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!"

All this, and the Democrats have numbly aided them.

IRISH MIKE likes to say that the Republican Party is evil. All Republicans are not evil, but the batch of corrupt people who now control that party are evil. And the Democrats are nearly as bad.


Anonymous said...

... maybe Reagan and his cronies bear some blame, but the lion's share goes to the management of these companies, who sold out their shareholders for immediate gain. But I'd be interested to hear why you think this is all Reagan's fault.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone read the book "Deer Hunting with Jesus" (sorry, question mark key not working for some reason). Some chapters make you want to cry, others scream, others just shake your head in despair. It's a good read - there's plenty of thought-provoking stories and ideas. I'd be interest in hearing anyone's critique on the book.

Anonymous said...

Scot, some reasons might be that he and his cronies worked hard at eliminating corporate regulations; began the push to eliminate unions; transferred social security monies from an "earmarked" fund to the general fund and began the privatization of many federal programs. The management of these corporations may be morally wrong but they did what they had permission to do from the government. Alice