Monday, September 1, 2008

What you answered about Sarah Palin

JERRY - I think McCain’s reasons are:
She fits what Americaan women want...a female in a top position (women’s votes)
A slap at Obama for not choosing Hillary as his VP (hoping to get the vote of females who are angry/disappointed)
She’s a mommy....several times over (no abortions for her!)
A fighter... What he’ll need to get anything done with Congress.
She’s got a 90% approval rating in Alaska. (not too many votes but enough to carry the state)
A supporter of his ideas ....I’m not sure he’ll get that 100% from her but if she wants to get anywhere in future politics, she won’t openly fight him on issues.
Rush Limbaugh’s pick for from his far right listeners

IRENE - I really don’t understand this one. Madness.

PAT C - Because she's young and only owns one house.

GIGI - To try and lure away the disgruntled Hillary supporters, I would guess. But is she qualified to be a heartbeat away from being leader of the "free world" is another issue altogether.

LAURA - It makes for a good campaign slogan: McSameFailin'

MIKE T - Pandering for Hillary votes. With Alaska having a population 670,000, less than Detroit maybe the Mayor has more experience. At least in Defense and Foreign affairs. Maybe McCain is looking for a cooler climate if Al Gore is right.

PAM - As Michael Moore said, it's a cynical choice on his part, but I believe it may work with some. She certainly appeases the far right wing of his party; besides that she is young, her husband works for an oil company, she defends the mass killings of wolves and drilling off the coast of Alaska, and wants polar bears off the endangered species list. It is really scary. She is really scary though beautiful. I don't trust a woman with a 4 month old baby who is not home enough to take care of him. I say that as a feminist. God hlep us all. For 40 years I have been saying, "If that guy wins, I'm moving to Canada". I'll probably say it again this year.

ANONYMOUS - He likes her tits.
(By the way: I saw online there is a clip of McCain who seems to keep looking at her bosom during the news conference. It's pretty funny if you notice it. -Bud)

ALICE - He didn't pick her, someone else did. He didn't even know her before the other day! He had someone find a way out conservative. She was picked by someone trying to get the women's vote with a far right conservative. It won't work.

IRISH MIKE - McCain wanted a pro-life conservative who is a woman. (If Obama won't choose a woman, the broad minded McCain will). We all know McCain's and the Republican Party's dismal record when it comes to women's issues.

SPARTY - Because Angela Langsbury programmed him to select her- or was it Meryl Streep?
(Note: Meryl Streep, The Manchurian Candidate -  Bud)

also - Last night Bill Moyers suggested that he has his own conspiracy theory re: the reason behind the selection of Sarah Palin. At the GOP convention McCain will announce that if elected he will only serve one term. That term will prepare Palin for the presidency and will swing a substantial portion of the female vote to McCain this year.

BINAK - He chose her to garner the women's vote and to please the conservatives of the party and because she's anti-abortion---which will please all those evangelicals! And she also has a son going to Iraq---like Biden. Probably a very wise choice for him. I STILL will vote Democratic, though! No matter how good these two "might" be--- I've had ENOUGH of the Republicans for a lifetime!!

PETE - he didn't want anyone smarter than himself.

BILL FROM WNNCO - The choice of Sarah Palin will truly fall into the "Seemed like a good idea at the time" explanation of human activity when viewed a few months from now.

CHRIS - The real reason is Palin is actually a nurse for McCain.

FELIX - Because he knew he had to pick somebody a little less him! Less 'blue suit'. Less starchy and staunch. Less harsh and gruff. Someone who smiles and isn't an old Republican. And, W. had turned him down....

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