Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"...an Invigorating Moment for Democracy..."

A different take on Congress' defeat of the "bailout" or "financial rescue" yesterday.

Willima Greider, a social reform writer CLICK


Anonymous said...

from Alice:
I wonder if I can go to the head of the line? I just want a $50,000 rescue plan. $200,000 deposit protect means not a thing to me.

Anonymous said...

from Alice,
Someone e:mailed Lou Dobbs and said that "they" should give us all each a million and it would be a lot cheaper. I'd promise to spend half of it. Why wouldn't that be a good idea? Sure some would loose it all but a bunch of us would no longer need to be worried or worried about.I'd get my car port and covered deck at my front door and be quite happy.

Bud said...

Better you should get your deck than some fatcat thief gets another summer home.