Monday, March 3, 2008

Recommended Reading: 19 years later

We admit that the source of the article, "The Smirking Chimp," is a highly partisan source and maybe we shouldn't be referencing it on our blog, but the truth is, this article is a humdinger and if it doesn't make a thinking person angry, there's no hope for humanity. 

The claim here is that Exxon has tried to avoid its responsibilities for that Valdez oil spill in Alaska, that the  Bush government has abetted their criminality and that the Bush Supreme Court, will back them up.  Meanwhile, the Indians affected are dying off.  

19 years later and Exxon has still not paid up on its oil spill in Alaska.

Excerpt: "That was part of Exxon's plan. They told me that. In 1990 and 1991, I worked for the Chenega and Chugach Natives of Alaska on trying to get Exxon to pay up to save the remote villages of the Sound. Exxon's response was, 'We can hold out in court until you're all dead.' "
[Greg Palast] CLICK

Comment: What this illustrates, to my mind, is one more reason why the angels will be singing on the day the Bush crowd of thieves and liars finally leaves office, taking with them their oil company friends.

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