Wednesday, March 12, 2008

NOW that Eliot Spitzer has resigned, which is undoubtedly good and proper since he himself has admitted being a hypocrite of the worst kind, let us turn our attention to the government that brought him low. I want to know this -- and I hope lots of other people do also:

1. By what right did government officials begin digging in his bank accounts?

2. If they dug into his accounts because they suspected terrorist activity, by what right did they nail him for prostitution?

3. Are they digging into YOUR bank accounts, too, because they suspect YOU might have done something shady? (They have already been into mine, because we had to pay for a new kitchen. Oh yes, they froze my money for two weeks.)

4. What will they charge YOU or ME with?

Here's what I think. I believe they picked on him because he was the governor of New York. I believe this Bush government is now one very large step closer to dictatorship. 

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