Monday, March 22, 2010

The Loyal Opposition

How the wacky opposition sees Obama.
Q: Do any of you folks who look at BIRCHES
worry about Socialism?


Irene said...

No. I worry about capitalism.

Felix J said...

Either I don't worry about it...or, I think it's a good thing. Or, more likely, I'm just too dumb to know the difference.

(pW...that sure is a sexy answer)

Alice said...

No. In fact the Constitution calls for work to be done for the "common good".

Sparty said...

Good point, Alice, and there's also a "general welfare" clause. I suspect that few of these Baggers could provide a definition of socialism that would satisfy the requirements of a junior high Civics course.

Irene said...

Yes - a tea bagger "friend" told me that Hitler was a communist - just like Stalin and Mao and Che. Glenn Beck told her so.

Bud said...

I things some of us teachers did a rotten job of helping the little ones learn what democracy is and what its values are. Glenn Beck is one example of a guy who SHOULD know, and possibly he does, but he's too heavy into being a celebrity for the crackpots and rolling in the money to be concerned about such niceties as tolerance, sharing, and the rest.