Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kennedy's rant

Congressman Patrick Kennedy ranted in Congress yesterday about the failure of the press to cover the debate then going on about whether to continue the Afghan War or cut off funding and force the troops out. This was an effort in invoke the War Powers Act which was enacted after Vietnam.

While this was going unreported, the press were very very busy reporting on Rep. Eric Massa and his alleged harassment of male staff members. That was the source of Kennedy's irritation and the reason for the rant.

The rant itself was reported on the various news channels, but of course, it was done as a personality thing, and not as part of the debate on war and peace. Thus, the press has proven what Kennedy was complaining about. As fas as I know, none of the broadcast media covered anything about the debate, but they sure enjoyed showing Kennedy "foaming at the mouth" as CNN put it.

BTW: The effort to cut off funding for the Afghan War was defeated.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Free Speech TV covered the substance of the legislation. Of course they are not on Charter. Programs like Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, Grit with Laura Flanders and The Thom Hartmann Show air daily and provide a modicrum of balance to the corporate channels. They are a none profit public channel that airs across the country on DISH network 9415. They operate in a similar mode to PBS(no advertizing). Call your cable service providers and ask that it be offered over their network. Thom Hartmann also has a radio show. His tv program airs from 1:00 to 3:00 pm daily and is a live call in show which includes any thing goes on Friday. He has written many books including CRACKING the CODE; SCREWED: the Undeclared Was on the Middle Class; and numerous books on ADD & ADHD. He is very knowledgeable in the history of this country. He grew up in Michigan. Goggle him and find out more about him. His programs are on his web site at Thom but I'm slightly technically challenged and haven't figured out how to access them.