Wednesday, November 11, 2009

some notes on life right now

1. Steve and Brenda have so much great news today that they're just simply blessed. This includes news abut jobs and advancements, but there's more. There is news that's very, very personal to them, and if you want to know, better ask Brenda.

2. We are very happy just now!

3. We and Dashmann have been golfing nine-hole courses and having a very good time doing it. Not nearly as stressful as 18.

4, At "half time" in a polo match, people from the crowd go out on the pitch and stomp down the spots that the hoofs have torn up. This is so that there is less chance of the ball being affected by rough turf. There is a rule on this, however: "If it's steaming, don't stomp it."

5. There is such excitement around here! Uh-h, I point out that this does not excite me, but a lot of people are all ga-ga. Both Sara Palin and Glenn Beck are coming to the Villages for book signings. Yep, this place is just loaded with self-absorbed right wingers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bring your own crayon.