Sunday, November 22, 2009

holy hell!

Thousands of old white people went ga-ga. They crowded into Market Square here in The Villages. They cheered and cheered. Their very white baby boy, Glenn Beck was here. Half of their excitement was in anxious anticipation of his well-advertised promise to reveal "My Plan to Save the Republic!"

And he did! What a plan. In case you missed it, here it is. There will be seven meetings held in the United States in the coming six months where all you people can develop a plan to give to Congress. Is that pure genius or what? To save the Republic, he plans to hold meetings. What a brilliant stroke.

And here are two things he wants these meetings to demand: That Congress put an end to corruption, and that it return to honoring the Constitution.

The old white folks screamed and cheered, according to press reports here. Turns out they really agree with him that corruption is a bad thing, and democratic constitutionalism is a good one. This will distinguish the patriotic Beckwads from all those millions of Americans who, conversely, love corruption in government, and hate our freedoms and our Constitution.

Readers, beware. We are not talking about 1787 here. We are not talking about the Constitutional Convention here. We are not talking about Jefferson and Washington. We're talking more like community militia, and persons of far, far less significant goodwill than, let's say, John Adams. We're talking about the Palinesque dimension of brilliance here, not that of the intellectual calibre of Gouverneur Morris or James Madison.

Watch this operation with amusement, all ye well-meaning and intelligent Americans, for you are going to see a circus!


Alice said...

A week ago last Thurs. Jon Stewart did a parody of Beck that was totally hilarious. If you have a chance to look it up, you won't be sorry.

Irene said...

Until a few weeks ago, I had no idea who this guy was. Why do people care what he thinks? What authority, expertise, intelligence does he have? It seems like people are hell bent on embracing mediocrity. Something has changed in the American psyche if this is the case. I say it's fear, and I really can't blame people for that.

Bud said...

I think a lot of people pay some attention to the guy, but he draws his support from a certain far-right constituency which is much smaller, and that also supports Palin and Limbaugh and others of that goofy stripe. Then, i suppose there are folks who help finance him to just to act as a thorn in the Democrats' sides.

I think we are still suffering from the fallout of the Reagan era when whacky folks found a spokesman with enough credibility to be elected and enough reasonableness to avoid being despotic and dangerous. I think these folks would like another such hero but, so far, all they've found is toads like Beck.