Friday, January 28, 2011

and now: Egypt, Yemen. Who's next?

I think something new and different is happening in the Muslim World. Not the riots of course, that's old news, but what the riots are about and what reforms they seek. I wonder if we Americans are clever enough to figure it out and treat with it on an appropriate level of acceptance. With all the Islamo-hatred in this country, based on some distorted concept of "christianity", I am inclined to be pessimistic.


Anonymous said...

The people in Egypt are tired of being oppressed and poor so they are protesting. The corupt police tear gassed the people. The next day, a TV correspondent was showing the aftermath and said that there were a lot of tear gas cannisters all over the street. He picked one up and the giant letters on it said U.S.A. I thought, great, everything we have here is made in China... this is the one thing that is made here. Oppressed people everywhere can now connect America with their oppressors. REALLY? REALLY?

Bud said...

To anonymous: I thought your comment was very good.How on target it seems!

Dashmann said...

We are sowing the seeds of it happening in the USA in a few more years. The steady income shifting from the lower and middle classes that continues to escalate will be to blame. On top of the tax cuts for the wealthy, Social Security and Medicare are the next targets
that will be reduced. In Michigan "The Nerd" is already working on reduced business taxes to be offset by the earned income credit that goes to lower income workers. Why can't people see what the Republicans are doing to them ???

Irene said...

Because they are like frogs in a pot, slowly being boiled to death? Apathy? Disengagement? Ignorance? Stupidity? All of the above?

Bud said...

Dashmann - I think you are right. So far, the old folks around here are happy with their lot, but as we disappear and the younger folks find it harder and harder to hold on to the middle class status their families have enjoyed, "there will be blood."