Friday, September 24, 2010

The Loyal Opposition

Another offering from a Tea Bag


Sparty said...

As a reformed history teacher it amuses me whenever I see people cite U.S. history without a clue of what they're talking about. The tea tax that led to the "tea party" in 1773 was actually a reduction in the tax on tea, not an increase. The protest concerned primarily the legitimacy of Parliament's right to tax goods imported into the English North American colonies without the consent of the colonial assemblies.

Alice said...

As I understand it, the tea tax that the colonists were protesting was the tax the British were charging on Dutch tea which the colonists were importing. The Brits wanted the colonists buying from the British owned Tea Company which was a monopoly.

Sparty said...

Right you are, Alice. There had been a previous tax on tea that had been included in the Townshend duties enacted in 1767. The British repealed most of those taxes after the Boston "massacre" but continued the tax on tea. When the East India Company faced financial problems Lord North's ministry decided to assist it by reducing the tax on tea that the troubled company sold in America, thereby giving it a price advantage over tea from other sources. How could the Americans object to a tax reduction??

Irene said...

I would like take up his offer and dunk this guy in Boston Harbor.