Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Friends Report, Part I, November 24, 2008

It is snowing enthusiastically in mid Michigan today and roads are slippery from Jackson to the Thumb. In winter, weather is always a topic around here, and some people think this looks lovely. They are the 'glass-half-full' people.

The other big topic of conversation, bigger even than Thanksgiving, maybe, is the economy and the prospect of saving ourselves from a GREAT DEPRESSION. Everyone is waiting for Obama and finding the long transition period to be horribly painful.

Because this is car country, the fate of the Big-3 is a topic of hearty conversation. Should companies as irresponsible as these have been, as treacherous to American society as these have been, be rescued by the same people they have been vigorously screwing all these years? The current answer around here is, "Yes. For now. But they should be on a very short leash." Truth is, we need what's left in this country of the car industry to support lots of families. It's the sort of self-centered attitude that G.M. would understand.

Known Thanksgiving Plans

GIGI and SPARTY - will have a large family gathering in Saginaw, requiring two turkeys and maybe a ton of spuds.

SKUZZA - reports that for the first time in 40 years, she doesn't have to cook the turkey. The kids are going to do it.

DASHMANN- doesn't care where he eats as long as no one makes him anything strange like cranberries, yams, or fruit salad.

AMY and IRISH MIKE - will be hosting family from Colorado and the kids will be home.

BUD and PAT - will be going to Grass Lake for a gathering of one half of the clan.

LINDA - is going to Port Austin for the feast.

BRENDA - is going to be with family in the Grand Rapids area.

Other things on people's minds

THE TRIVIA TEAM - was known last spring as "Seven Teachers and a Creature" --- and it placed second in the competition. This year, we came in first, scoring a 93! But we were renamed -- in honor of some recently discovered bones. We were the Copernicus's Stars. Our most valuable player was Sharleen! When she was sure, we didn't go against her.

SPARTY - had some exciting stories to tell about his journey to Washington with a pack of eighth graders. He took pictures of protesters hanging banners, and tried to forward them for printing here, but they're lost in the mists out there somewhere. He says that they kept counting the kids, afraid they'd lose some, but it always came out at 43.

ALICE - wants to know if you can guess how to keep lions out of your yard? Put up goal posts!

STEVE - has disappeared into the Montana wilderness with an elk hunting party and not been heard of since. No one is worried yet, and he's expected home on the weekend. These guys are talented wilderness wanderers.

MARSHA - the inveterate game player has moved on to the very hard Sudokus that require specialized knowledge and strategies to solve. She's out there in the ether somewhere, drifting around by herself, muttering numbers.

SCOT - recommends: " of the more devastating critiques you'll read of a music star. It's most effective because it's not immediately obvious that he loathes the star he has to review. He destroys with his stiletto, not a sledge hammer. Marvelous." We, also, thought it was very good writing. Give it a look: CLICK

PAM - forwards this site giving Garrison Keillor's reaction to the election of Obama (of which he approved): CLICK

GIGI - recommends this from Andy Borowitz. One funny slap at Bush and one approval of Obama who can speak in whole sentences. Is this a threat? :) CLICK

BILL from WNNCO - refers you to this very funny Scandinavian humor. Safe for everyone, by the way, nothing nasty. This might be akin to calling for help and reaching someone in India.

JERRY submits this question and answer, which is not based on personal experience, but he seems to have it nailed:
Q: What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause?

A: Keep busy. If you're handy with tools, you can finish the basement. When you are done you will have a place to live.


Anonymous said...

So...if 'we' are going to give the Big 3 a loan...or, bail out...or, whatever they want to call it...why not make some stipulations? Like...1) no upper-level management/CEO-types receive salaries higher than the average of all lower-level employees until loans are paid back. 2) Agree to NO bonuses for ANY body making more than the company-wide average.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the "short leash" addendum to the Bailout. Personally, I'm thinking one of those embarrassing harnesses that you see parents put on their children. Perhaps one with a fuzzy pig face or grumpy bear on the back...
I've notice that they've come out with retractable ones as well.
--- Trase

Anonymous said...

from Alice
I have a retractable one for my dog. Oh, by the way, Trase and Scot, would you mind if I bring my dog?