Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Thousand Points of Fight

The wonder of democracy is the ample opportunity to fight over stuff. We wouldn't have it any other way, would we?

Here are a few of BIRCHES' ineffectual jabs, arrows shot from the woods:

1. Sarah Palin will destroy her future as a national candidate by turning to the sleazy tactics she has started. Of course, she didn't think of this approach all by herself, but she lends her name and future prestige to the effort, and that will consign her to the back burners with other sleaze artists.

2. If John McCain wants to challenge Obama as "paling around with terrorists" then he should do it face-to-face on Tuesday night like a gentleman rather than a coward.

3. Around here, we simply do not believe that 700 billion dollars can be pumped into the Wall Street money churn and come out pure. It will be stolen in large part by the same people who have gotten rich off stealing from borrowers.

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