Friday, October 3, 2008

Goodbye Nick Reynolds

Where are all the flowers going? 
Only One of the Trio is left. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still play my Kingston Trio music occasionally as they may be my favorite musical group of all time -- at least in my top 3.

Bud, do you remember the party at Bob Kynast's house on Remington our sophomore yearat Saginaw High
when it seemed like "Tijuana Jail"
was played almost every other time on the phonograph ??

I fell in love with them then and never fell out.

My son and I have seen the latest incarnations of the group 5 or 6times and they have never failed to entertain.

A couple of those times , we were able to speak with Bob Shane and he was nothing but very approachable and friendly. I think he is now retired from the group.

We last saw Nick in Midland about 10 years ago, at Currie Softball Stadium and he semed to be in pain and in failing health at that time.