Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wacko of the Week, August 23, 2008

By some standards, the Tropical Storm called FAY should be the Wacko-of-the-Week. This crazy lady has slammed Florida with 2-3 feet of rain, backed off, and then slammed poor Florida again -- and again! This is a crazy storm and it has a human name.

This storm is as crazy as a former football player stalking his ex-wife.

But, here's an even better choice:
KEVIN KEARNEY, aged 26, Ft. Lauderdale

Now, here is the real wacko. He strapped himself to a kite and tried to ride the storm. It bounced him around awhile and then slammed him into a building. As of this morning, five days later, he's still in critical condition.

What a thrilling ride he's had! We naturally don't want to discourage anyone's sense of adventure, but here's a thoughtful analysis from an 'expert':

Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue Division Chief, Lois Bowman: "Is there a lesson here? Whenever there's a storm warning, use common sense."

Oh, O.K., most of us would have known that to begin with. What are you going to tell the Wackos? If they survive?

Read about it here CLICK

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