Saturday, August 30, 2008

Something Fishy

Here is a picture of Sarah Palin. She's the one wearing the hat. The other one is a dead fish.

When I sat down the other day to compose a list of people in the United States I thought would make good vice presidents, I must admit, Sarah came in 14 millionth, 197 thousandth, and 18 (14,197,018). She was just ahead of myself, whom I listed at 14,197,019. And just ahead of her was Terrell Owens.

Now, I like fisher women and fish mongers just as well as the next guy, but I read that she netted this salmon on a set net, she didn't even catch it herself. Am I gonna vote for a phony like that?

I think NOT!

1 comment:

scot s w said...

The salmon Steve caught last weekend on Lake Michigan was a lot bigger. I think that makes him more qualified to be mayor of Wasilla.