Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A fool asks a foolish question

Um-m-m That would be me!

I have decided that I'm too stupid to understand the controversy over the "race card" in this election. Actually, I have been deep into stupidity for quite some time now. It's sort of like crack cocaine, in some confused metaphoric sense. Once you start using stupidity - snorting it, huffing it, shooting it, or smoking it - you become addicted.

I keep hearing one side or the other say that the other guy is playing a race card, or THE race card.

Now, here's what I don't understand. No one has to tell me that McCain is white or that Obama is black. Hadn't you noticed it, too? If you didn't know this, Obama will tell you. So what's the card to play? Or, does this mean that McCain is threatening to run against Obama because he's a black man? I don't believe it! McCain is no racist. There are lots of old unreconstructed bigots running around, like Tom Delay, but John McC isn't one of them.

Or does it mean that Obama is making an overt effort to attract black votes? Well, duh-h.

Some one explain this to me, please, but be patient. Lately, I'm slow as hell.

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