Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wacko-of-the-Week, December 20, 2008

This week, it all gets pretty sleazy --- aren't ya glad?
Baldwin, L.I., New York  

BIRCHES is going to make a couple of disclaimers here:
1. We do not intend to tell anyone who to choose for sex partners.
2. We are not going to make any puns on the name Tuckruskye.

A Long Island PTA official has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child after police say she was caught half-naked in a car with a 13-year-old boy.

"Police say Joan Tuckruskye, a PTA official, was arrested after being found half-naked in her car with a 13-year-old boy.

"Joan Tuckruskye, 44, of Baldwin, N.Y., was found with the boy in the parking lot of Meadow Elementary School. When an officer approached the Nissan Pathfinder, neither was wearing pants, according to police."

Silly woman. If she is guilty as charged of playing doctor with a kid, she has overstepped her mark. Doesn't she know that these sensitive matters should be left to the experts: Teachers and priests?

We can't have every Jane, Janet and Joan going around knocking the horns off our teenagers. How will it look if every back seat is filled with civilian practitioners, boffing our impressionable boys? It won't be long before those guys get the idea that other folks are simply sex objects.

So, Lady Tuck-roger, you are Wacko!

1. Brian Lafaver, Tygh Valley,Oregon, who drove his car, filled with his family, off the road and through a ditch and into a clearing in the woods, in order to drive into and kill a deer. He hit it smack on! It turned out to be a fake deer, put there by the State Police to catch poachers. The list of charges against Brian is extensive.

2. The two guys on opposite sides of the world with purple penises:

After all, 'tis the season to be jolly, and maybe folly.

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