Thursday, February 11, 2010


During the recent snowstorm, we went out to buy a new hot water heater and arrange to have it installed. When we got home, we learned that the teenage girl across the street had shoveled our driveway.

Next day, after snow had fallen all night and the wind had socked in our driveway again, the neighbor next door had her truck driver with the snowplow, come over and clear out the snow at our house as well. When I tried to pay, he said, "Just say a prayer!"

I'm always surprised when people spontaneously do good things for me, not because they were spontaneous or because they were good-hearted and generous, but because it's me. I'm nowhere near as good a person as most people I know. But, I'm trying to reform. Anyway, many thanks for good people, which is most people.


Anonymous said...

See--- this is a much better, more optimistic post...

Happy feelings restored.


Anonymous said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you are still a horrible human being.



Alice said...

I hope you said that prayer so they will keep coming back.

Dashmann said...

I have always wondered why we call them " hot water heaters " ??
If the water is already hot, why do we need to heat it ??
Is it more correctly, a "water heater " ?


I guess you could thoretically heat water without it actually getting hot, so " hot water heater " in that case would be the descriptive term !

I ponders and I ponders -----

Bud said...

OK --- Dash is absolutely right about the "hot water" heater. I'm going to try to improve.

Marty - I think you're right!

I am disappointed in my country because of the failure of health care reform, because the new President and his crew have rescued the "Capitalist" financial system without imposing reforms, because the government is captured by a bunch of do-nothings who seem to be under the thumb of the plutocrats, etc.

Dashmann said...

You are saying the country has gone to the dogs thanks to the Pluto-crats ???
Maybe even a little Goofy too ---

Alice said...

Dashmann, You take turn my memory back about 50 years when I listened to that humor daily. It's funnier now.