Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A person would have a hard time convincing me that not a single one of the Republicans who has been elected to the U.S. Senate is capable of finding in their souls a "yes" vote on the health plan. Then why didn't one or two vote for it?

Because they are Republicans and that party does not represent any intelligent interest in the United States apart from the greedy. This is a political party that is without any sense of propriety and that is lacking in any sense of the purpose of democracy. The Democrats are better, but not by much. These days, a moral person would not be either.

A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.
H.L. Mencken


Dashmann said...

Additionally, it is difficult to believe NOT ONE Democrat would vote "NO" on the proposal.

Our legislatures are made up entirely of party robots. We should not trust any piece of legislation generated solely by one party or the other.

Alice said...

You mean like Social Security and Medicare?

Dashmann said...

Were those passed by unanimous party votes ??

Where can we find out ?

I certainly don't see any of the health reform opponenents giving up their SS or Medicare in protest !!