Tuesday, September 8, 2009


"This is an interesting story:

"Call it a case of bite and run, but a 65-year-old man opposed to health care reform struck another man who was trying to reach a MoveOn.org-backed pro-reform rally of 100 participants -- and had half his pinky finger bitten off in return. And, in a dramatic tour de force of socialized medicine, the victim was sent home by doctors after they tried, unsuccessfully, to reattach the digit ALL covered by his Medicare policy."



Bud said...

You mean even government health care couldn't save his damaged little pinkie?

Bugsy said...

Too bad he wasn't saying "Piss on public health care" ....

Bud said...

Bugsy: This is really a great point. It's possible that guy never understood his health care (Medicare) came from the very kind of government insurance he was there to protest.