Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama Team to Deal With Slurs

There is a little network of right-wing propaganda peddlers out there who are both vicious and malicious. Here is one of them.

They're on the radio airwaves almost as much as on the internet, cranking out little innuendoes and deliberate lies. John McCain has disavowed some of them.

On the news wires this morning is the story that Obama is setting up a new internet group. 

A crack team of cybernauts will form a rapid response internet “war room” to track and respond aggressively to online rumours that Barack Obama is unpatriotic and a Muslim.

As he gears up for his general election fight against John McCain, Mr Obama and his chief advisers are aware of the danger of such rumours, amid polling data showing that a significant number of Americans believe he is a Muslim or are suspicious about his background. Such doubts were a factor in his poor showing with white, blue-collar voters during his primary battle with Hillary Clinton.

In recent days Mr Obama has — unprompted — brought up the subject of the chain e-mails and blog sites making the false claims. Some state that he is a radical Muslim who was sworn in as a US senator on the Koran; others that he sympathises with Palestinian radicals. Many focus on his middle name of Hussein, which was taken from his Kenyan father. CLICK

We have already received several of these chain e-mails. The most interesting to me was the one misquoting a statement in his book. I know this campaign is going to get dirty, although I suspect John McCain will not be doing anything to encourage it.

YOU SHOULDN'T STAND STILL FOR IT EITHER. When you receive this stuff, you should send the email back to the senders and let them know what you think of it. Free speech is a marvelous thing, and we all have to use it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered how so many people could believe this rubbish that they are force fed through the media and stupid chain emails, etc. But as Tony wisely has pointed out, people believe this stuff because they want to - it justifies their prejudices and their fears.