Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fat Cat Economics

We live in an age where we have "gotten the government off the back of business" and we've cut their taxes, and we've stripped the government of its money to regulate, and we've 'deregulated' the transportation industry almost to nothing.

How do you like the results?

-Poison toys from China.
-Industry given tax credits to leave the country.
-Uninspected meat from many of the most dismal corners of the world.
-Uninspected vegetables, even those grown in the US, killing people with salmonella, botulism and e-coli.
-An airline industry in collapse which can barely launch a plane anywhere on time or get your luggage on the same plane with you.
-Bridges falling down.
-Roadways crumbling.
-50 million people without adequate healthcare coverage.
-Shortage of health care professionals, and some healh care facilities shutting down for lack of funding.
-Millions of new acres being plundered, especially in the West.
-20 million illegal aliens in the country.
But damn! Isn't the stock market doing well?
And, look! There's a greater number of millionaires.

As Fark would say, "What could possibly go wrong?"


Jim Thill said...

I think you are a bit of an alarmist. Everything looks fine at my house.

Bud said...

Alarmism in the defense of liberty is no vice. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah - and we just got a new laptop you can watch TV on! The motto these days is: Don't worry about anyone but yourself! I'm moving to New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the stock market isn't doing so well lately, either.