Thursday, August 9, 2007

The American Chestnut Trees are coming back

3.5 billion American chestnut trees, once the monarchs of the Eastern forests, were wiped out by a blight. Now, Science has recovered their genealogy from the edge of doom.

" American chestnut revival may be imminent. Scientists using traditional plant breeding techniques are on the verge of a breakthrough. In fact, Smith smiles and shares a little secret: the "holy grail" of American chestnut trees – a hybrid supertree fully resistant to the blight – is alive and growing down south.

Hidden on a country road that winds through rural Meadowview, Va., is a 93-acre plot of ground that holds the future of the American chestnut: about 120 hybrid saplings. The trees – going on two years old and four feet tall – are considered "fully blight resistant" and are thriving.

Christian Science Monitor CLICK FOR STORY

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nostalgia !!!
Many a good battle was fought some 50 or so years ago, going to and fro Salina school,
under the spreading chestnut tree on Bundy street. Many a necklace was made after we scooped up the remains and carted them home. No trace of that wonderful, old tree
was in evidence on a drive through there a year or so ago.