Sunday, August 19, 2007

another Dean annoys him

It did occur to me back then, when Katrina hit New Orleans, that it would have been much better if it had hit Houston. The Federal government would have reacted more responsibly and done a better job if the people being attacked were from George Bush's home state.

Whether it is Scooter Libby or the red states or the interests of business people, Bush takes care of his own, and he cares only peripherally about those who are not his own. I suspect he cares about them like he cares about "sinners" -- in the abstract. I would be like that, too, if I were a holder of great power. This is one more reason why it's a good thing I'm a nobody.

Anyway, this story does not surprise me at all:

Bush declares emergency in Texas
CRAWFORD, Texas, Aug. 18 (UPI) -- President George W. Bush Saturday declared a state of emergency in Texas, days before Hurricane Dean was projected to strike the Gulf Coast.

Bush ordered federal aid to supplement state and local response to the hurricane, effective Aug. 17. The order authorizes the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate disaster relief efforts and provide assistance for emergency efforts in 32 Texas counties.

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