Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2 patriotic gunmen protect Detroit against 7 junior high terrorists waiting for bus



Anonymous said...

are you sarcastic abut everything?

Alice said...

No, he's not sarcastic ABOUT everything except when it crimes to lunitics. Particularly those that think owning guns solve all problems.

Alice said...

Anon. Scroll down to "A Tribute to two friends for instance.

Irene said...

Imagine the carnage if instead of having semi-automatic weapons, they had a good old fashioned fistfight.
(Apologies to anonymous.)

Bud said...

I appreciate having a defender. :) Thanks Alice.

I've got an answer, though. When people say I'm too sarcastic,from now on I'll just say "no Shit!".

Irene: here you will find a story about one of the shooters surrendering.,2933,529668,00.html

If they had used fists, the incident might now be over now. Instead, some guys will spend the rest of their lives in prison, and some other kids will lead lives of pain.

Alice said...

Bud, I wish I'd thought of that answer yesterday(3rd paragraph from bottom) when someone asked me if I was crazy.

Dashmann said...

Off duty cops with real guns made the difference between a mass slaughter and one guy getting killed at the Poker Room in Flint.

I still want to see an anti gun person put a sign on his house declaring he has no guns.

He gets a free ride right now from those that do.

Alice said...
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Alice said...

Dashmann, There's a difference between rationality and stupidity. There are alot of things that are a reality that one would not post in a sign on the house. I have yet to see a gun owner post a sign on the house saying I have a gun come on in and try what you wish. People from both schools of thought have bumper stickers GALORE advertising their beliefs. The facts that I have seen are that more friends and relatives are accidentally shot as intruders than are assailants. An intruder always has a big advantage because of surprise. Way back in the olden days, shortly after finishing an intensive course in judo, I had my purse snatched by a 15 year old. My defense was screaming and the fact that I rarely zip my purse and it turned up side down depositing its contents on the ground. Judo never once entered my mind until I got home. A sign wouldn't give him a free ride in most homes. Those intent on doing evil will figure out a way gun or not. I'm not referring to hunting guns but concealed handguns. Perhaps if we were more willing to share, care and provide for all our people this discussion would hugely be unnecessary. Let's get together at Bud's sometime and let him referee our logical debate.

Alice said...

Dashmann, under another comment you said you'd always love me. Thank God...especially if you're packin' heat. It sure is great to know you have friendships that last so long.